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2023-05-14 百科 68 作者:佚名



On the six countries

六国破灭,塌悉非兵不利,战不善,弊在赂秦。The bursting of the six countries, unfavorable non-soldiers, war mismanagement in the national 277,000 Qin. 赂秦而力亏,破灭之道也。Qin 277,000 and power losses, also shattered road. 或曰:“六国互丧,率赂秦耶?”曰:“不赂者以赂者丧,盖失强援,不能独完。故曰,弊在赂秦也。”Or we can say : "Six killed each other, Qin 277,000 rate it? , "Saying :" 277,000 to 277,000 persons were killed, Mr. missing Lab, not independence End. Known. 277,000 disadvantages in the Qin dynasty. "

秦以攻取之外,小则获邑,大则得城。Qin to invade, the small ones will be opened, the city will have. 较秦之年得,与战胜而得者,其实百倍;诸侯之所亡,与战败而亡者,其实亦百倍。Qin than a year have, and to overcome the above-mentioned, in fact 200 times. Princes are dead and the defeat and exile, in fact hundredfold. 则秦之所大欲,诸侯之所大患,固不在战矣。Qin is a big desire and nobility are a big problem, not solid war-evident.

思厥厅衫凳先祖父,暴霜露,斩荆棘,以有尺寸之地。Thinking first and devoted grandfather, violent god, chopped thorns, in a land size. 子孙视之不甚惜,举以予人,如弃草芥。Do not hesitate to visit children and grandchildren, to give to people, such as disposable trash. 今日割五城,明日割十城,然后得一夕安寝,起视四境,而秦兵又至矣。Cutting five city today, cutting 10 city tomorrow, and then have sleep overnight, as the starting Four Keys, but also the Grand anything. 然则诸侯之地有取胜,暴秦之欲无厌,奉之扮旅弥繁,侵之愈急,故不战而强弱胜负已判矣。What nobility to win a place, no tyrant you want to burnout instructions from off prosperity, the more anxious aggression, the strength of the outcome of a battle-evident. 至于颠覆,理固宜然。As a result, Jimmy Created course. 古人云:“以地事秦,犹抱薪救火,薪不尽,火不灭。”此言得之。The ancients said : "to the states to still Baoxinjiuhuo, not salary, and the fire never dies. "His remarks were shared.

齐人未尝赂秦,终继五国迁灭,何哉?Qi Qin 277,000 people might eventually move to eliminate the five countries, Ho chi? 与赢而不助五国也。And the five countries have won without help. 五国既丧,齐亦不免矣。Five killed both, make spilling evident. 燕、赵之君,始有远略,能守其土,义不赂秦。Yan, Zhao Jun, began to slow slightly, will observe their own territory, not just 277,000 Qin. 是故燕虽小国而后亡,斯用兵之效也。Yan then perish behind a small country, the Sri Lankan armed forces throughout effect also. 至丹以荆卿为计始速祸焉。Dan started to Jingqing of dollars to adhere to speed disaster. 赵尝五战于秦,二败而三胜。Zhao taste War writer, and defeated three wins. 后秦击赵者再,李牧连却之;洎牧以谗诛,邯郸为郡,惜其用武而不终也。Later Qin dynasty and further down Zhao, Li Mu company is 之; Jihua grazing to defame the devil, of Handan County, but unfortunately not eventually use. 且燕、赵处秦革灭殆尽之际,可谓智力孤危,战败而亡,诚不得已。Also Yan, Zhao Department Qinge obliterated forever moment, is isolated crisis intellectual defeat, death, just a last resort. 向使三国各爱其地,齐人勿附于秦,刺客不行,良将锋在,则胜负之数,存亡之理,当与秦相较,或未易量。All love to make their countries, Qi people do not report writer, not assassins, excellent front, the number of winning and losing, life and death justified when compared with Qin. easy or volume.

呜呼!Alack! 以赂秦之地封天下之谋臣;以事秦之心礼天下之奇才;并力西向,则吾恐秦人食之不得下咽也。Qin 277,000 to the world's policy makers to closure; Guest ceremony in the heart of the world's genius; Join forces to the West. Qin, though I fear it may have to swallow. 悲夫!Bei Fu! 有如此之势,而为秦人积威之所劫,日削月割,以趋于亡。Such a situation, and the plot to Qin Wei are robbed and cut on cut day to tend to perish. 为国者无使为积威之所劫哉!Granville of the country are not so positive for robbing indeed!

夫六国与秦皆诸侯,其势弱于秦,而犹有可以不赂而胜之之势。Qin husband and six were the nobility, the situation is weaker than its Qin, while continuing trend can not win 277,000. 苟以天下之大,下而从六国破亡之故事,是又在六国下矣。Gou in the world, and from the six countries under Powang 之 story is evident in the next six countries.






原文:《六国论》苏洵 〔宋代〕















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